Tuesday 31 July 2012

Little Durnford - December 2010

Good friends Phil and Hettie live with their two kids, Peter and Lucy, on the estate of Lord and Lady Chichester.   Phil is the estate manage and they live a stone's throw from the manor house in the most idyllic English countryside near Salisbury.  We love visiting them and slipping into fairy land if only for a few days at a time.

My husband the pig whisperer

What NOT to wear in a pig pen.  This wiener thinks he's a Jack Russell, jumped up and muddied Halley's coat.  We darn near had pork chops for lunch!

Stay, boy stay!

Christmas 2010

Paper crowns - The great British Christmas tradtiton!

Auntie Fiona manages to color-coordinate her paper crown with her outfit!

Putting together Jake's model ship... But where's Jake???

Halley proud to have the Rainbow's mascot doll home for the hoidays

Jake succumbs to our girly amusements - What a good cousin!

Menfolk Fishing - December 2010

Who in their right mind goes fishing in December in England?  Only the toughest, the bravest, and the insane.  Well, here they are... And a few of their victims that I turned into Whitefish Salad.

Monday 30 July 2012

Oxford Open Days - September 2010

Just once a year the colleges of Oxford University open their doors to the public.  For just a few days we are allowed a glimpse beyond the walls of some of the most spectacular medieval architecture that a college town can offer. 

I'm including a lot of photos but there are 38 colleges that fall under the Oxford University umbrella and I'm afraid I don't know the names well enough to identify them by sight.  Enjoy the craftsmanship of the stonework just the same - A rose by any other name....

This little bridge was modelled after the famous Rialto Bridge in Venice

In medieval days, a fire would be lit in the middle of the floor to warm the room.  The smoke escaped through a hole in the roof.

Harry Potter was filmed at this college

A view from the rooftop

We had a ride in a canal boat

Canal boats are cool