Monday 30 July 2012

Oxford Open Days - September 2010

Just once a year the colleges of Oxford University open their doors to the public.  For just a few days we are allowed a glimpse beyond the walls of some of the most spectacular medieval architecture that a college town can offer. 

I'm including a lot of photos but there are 38 colleges that fall under the Oxford University umbrella and I'm afraid I don't know the names well enough to identify them by sight.  Enjoy the craftsmanship of the stonework just the same - A rose by any other name....

This little bridge was modelled after the famous Rialto Bridge in Venice

In medieval days, a fire would be lit in the middle of the floor to warm the room.  The smoke escaped through a hole in the roof.

Harry Potter was filmed at this college

A view from the rooftop

We had a ride in a canal boat

Canal boats are cool

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