Wednesday 1 August 2012

Rome - April 2010

A rare chance for Paul and I to nip away to a romantic getaway without the kids. Thank you, Auntie Fiona! We literally took 1000 photos thanks to the age of digital cameras.  Telling by my blisters, we saw absolutely everything there was to see in Rome, but I'm not posting the typical tourist shots. Much to Paul's dismay, I'm displaying some the pictures that have people in them, namely us, but my dear husband abhors putting a person in the shot. If there's a picture of me, it's only because I threatened divorce.

The Colosseum

The Tiberius Arch

The Pantheon
Paul in front of the Forum

The Old Market

Inside the Pantheon

The Forum

The Forum

The Forum

The Forum

The Circus Maximus where the chariot races took place

The Ponte Saint Angelo (Bridge of Angels)


The Trevi Fountain

Ponte dei Quattro Capi is Rome's oldest bridge

Remnants of something once grand lie everywhere

The Colosseum

The Tiberius Arch

Looking down the Spanish Steps

Outside Augustus' Tomb

The latest in Italian fashion!

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